Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good News For Nonprofits

A recent article on gives some promising news for nonprofits. Despite the recession Online Giving Grows in 2010. The results of a new study " include 24 months of online giving data from 1,812 nonprofits from the Blackbaud Index of Online Giving."

Online fund raising grew 34.5 percent in 2010 with both large, medium and small sized nonprofits all experiencing double digit growth. Large organizations experienced a 55.6 percent growth, medium sized organizations had 15.9 percent growth and the donations to small organizations grew by 22 percent.

One of the driving forces for this increase is of course the response to the earthquake in Haiti. Compared to 2009, online giving for international affairs groups increased by 130.8 percent. But in addition to that, nonprofits of all missions and causes can be benefited by donors giving online.

These results show the importance of nonprofit organizations being on top of new technology that allows them to be connected to current and future donors.  Having a web 2.0 and social media presence are crucial for nonprofits to grow in this digital age.

"'2010 saw the continued growth in the importance of online fund raising for nonprofit organizations,' Steve MacLaughlin, director of Internet solutions for Blackbaud, says in a statement. 'A recovering global economy, online response for disaster relief, peer-to-peer fund raising, and the role of social media in the nonprofit sector all shaped 2010.'"

Hopefully this is just the start of increased donations in all forms.

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